Turning 20 can be a significant milestone in people's lives, marking the end of adolescence and the beginning of young adulthood. It is a time when individuals start to take more responsibility for their lives and make decisions that will shape their future. But how are you supposed to make decisions that end up shaping your future if you can’t even decide what to do on your birthday?

Yesterday, I turned 20. I thought I would wake up and magically feel older, more mature, and better understand my purpose in life. Unfortunately, this was not the case. Usually, when you think of a dreaded age, you think of the terrible two's when toddlers start asserting their independence and throwing tantrums, maybe you think of the ripe age of 45-50 when people justify buying sports cars or lake houses due to a “mid-life” crisis. When I think of an age I dread, I think of the “tragic” 20’s.
Birthdays are interesting experiences; for some people, their birthday is a special occasion that they look forward to every year. They see it as an opportunity to gather with friends and family, reflect on the past year, and celebrate the start of a new one. Others may hate the attention, pressure, or expectations that come along with the day. As for me, I HATE birthdays. You may be thinking to yourself, what is wrong with you? How can you hate your birthday?
To me, my birthday is a reminder of all of the things left unaccomplished, the pressure to know the direction I’m going in life, being the center of attention, unfulfilled expectations, loss, and sadness. Especially as I approach my midlife crisis that should come in the next 20-30 business years. Call me a party pooper but if I could skip my birthday, I would. Alexa play Crying on My Birthday by COLE. As I’ve been reminiscing on my last 20 years and what I’ve learned, I’ve come up with a list of 20 things that have helped me through life.
How to make your 20s less tragic:
Show yourself grace, recognize you don’t need to know everything right now.
Take care of your health (mental, physical, social, and spiritual).
Daily “hot girl” walks (if you haven’t heard of a hot girl walk, you’re missing out).
Learn something new every day, podcasts, recipes, hairstyles, etc.
Read! Books, blogs, talks, scriptures-enlighten your mind.
Declutter your room.
Create a structured morning routine. If you can win the morning, you can win the day!
Do something that brings you closer to your heavenly parents and Savior, reading scriptures, praying, practicing mindfulness, and being in nature.
Get out of your comfort zone. Growth doesn’t happen in the comfort zone, go out, meet new people, try new restaurants, and have new experiences that allow learning and growth.
Talk a little nicer to yourself, your brain will believe what it hears. Would you speak to a friend the way you speak to yourself?
Find healthy outlets. I love running, lifting, journaling, and praying! Figure out what works best for you!
Get fresh air every day, whether it’s going on a “hot girl” walk, sitting outside, or laying in the grass, fresh air improves mood and mental health: reducing symptoms of depression, anxiety, and stress.
Live in the present moment and appreciate the beauty of life. There are so many good things to come.
Invest in yourself and your personal growth.
Don’t compare yourself to others, everyone has their own journey.
Embrace failure as a learning opportunity, when you slip up, you don’t give up.
Learn to adapt, change, and embrace uncertainty, this will take you a long way in life and it’s something I’m definitely still working on.
Practice good communication skills and listen to others. This will help enhance your personal growth, build and strengthen relationships, and increase confidence.
Enjoy the journey, life is going to have ups and down’s but recognize all the blessings and learning that come through the hard and the good.
Be true to yourself, be authentic, genuine, and love others.
20 marks the beginning of adulthood. It is a time filled with new opportunities, experiences, and responsibilities, it doesn't need to be TRAGIC. While it can be challenging to navigate the complexities of adult life, it is also an exciting time filled with endless possibilities. Embrace this new chapter in life with open arms, and remember to take care of oneself while pursuing one's dreams and aspirations and be true to you! Don't forget to eat some cake! ;)
