"An High Priest of Good Things to Come" Jeffrey R. Holland
I recently listened to "An High Priest of Good Things to Come" by Jeffrey R. Holland. I absolutely loved this conference talk and the points that were made. This talk is a great example of several concepts we have discussed in class.
This entire talk is very clear and concise, I love that the message is easily understood and retained. Elder Holland avoids unnecessary jargon and keeps his message straight to the point. This leads into structure, featuring an attention-grabbing introduction, this talk will grab and hold the listener's attention throughout. He provides context and stories to reiterate his message, concluding with a strong summary and beautiful testimony.
Elder Holland does a great job engaging with his audience. He tells compelling stories and appeals emotionally to those who may be struggling or otherwise losing hope. His personal experiences resonate with listeners and help to form that connection. The use of vivid imagery is also used to help the audience paint mental pictures to visualize the concepts he discusses, making his message even more impactful. He also employs both verbal and non-verbal communication, he obviously gets his message across vocally, however, he also coveys underlying messages through his body language, hand gestures, and even his tone.
Throughout this talk, he is passionate and sincere. He uses this emotion to better connect with the audience on a more personal level which makes more of a lasting impact. Elder Holland's demonstration of empathy for his audience's struggles and challenges is also heartwarming and something that we can all practice when listening to others. He acknowledges their difficulties and offers hope and encouragement, showing that he understands their perspective.
As he concludes the talk, he urges us to have faith and trust in the future, better things are to come. This talk genuinely spoke to my soul, I felt hopeful, loved, and uplifted after hearing his message. I think that Elder Holland used some of the communication concepts we've discussed in class beautifully and that they truly added to his message. I know that as he says when we trust and embrace the Gospel of Jesus Christ, blessings will come. God will not give us any trials or tribulations that we cannot overcome. Through Jesus Christ, we will overcome, learn, and grow. We have bright futures ahead of us, we cannot give up.